Final Report

Submit your success story

Thank You

Thank you so much for being part of our efforts to promote literacy in Idaho.

This program aims to achieve literacy goals, and your feedback is incredibly valuable to us. Your insights will help us determine if we met our goals and understand the strengths and challenges of the program. This information is essential for us to make improvements for future participants like you.


We truly appreciate your time and input!

Final Report process

  1. Fill out the below questionnaire regarding the endowment you received. (note: these are best typed out in advance in a word processor and cut/pasted to here to ensure you don’t need to rewrite them if they time-out.)
  2. Submit pictures, thank you notes & other fun, publishable media to our email account at
  3. Submit your spending report and receipts to our email account at

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Want to help? We are always looking for new ways to help our community and for more heroes looking to help our community.